Sirk1 Production Inc.
, is the owner of the domain which is hosted on the world wide web. This is a independent website used to advertise services provided by Annette Gawron Music and Entertainment, Sirk1 Production and it's affiliates. All materials on webpages under the domain is the property of Sirk1 Production Inc. Information received through this website may not be displayed, reformatted, and printed for your personal or commercial use. You may not reproduce or retransmit the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of Sirk1 Production Inc.

Privacy Statement
We are committed to provide services to you and protect the privacy of all users of We want to provide a safe, secure user experience. We will endeavor to ensure that the information you provide remains private, and is used only for the Sirk1 Production Inc., publishing purposes.

General Information Disclosure
We do not disclose information about any individual visits to or personal information that you may provide, such as your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc. to any outside parties, except when we believe the law requires it.

We love to hear from you, and so we invite you to write us by e-mail. We have an area on the site where you can contact us. By writing to us, you express your permission to use or display this feedback, such as success stories or comments. reserves the right to contact you for further feedback.

Electronic Communications
From time to time, may write to you to tell you about important matters, including exclusive opportunities for offers and discounts, updates or special events. If at any time, you no longer wish to receive any e-mails from us, you may contact and tell us of your wishes.

All content included on this web site, such as text, graphics, icons, videos, photos, pictures and images is the property of and the domain owner, and is protected by United States and international copyright laws.

Protecting Visitors
It is important that be able to protect all individuals who visit this site. Therefore we reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel reservations in our sole discretion.

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